What is ScholarMatch and the Destined for College program?

Before You Start!

You can use a mobile device to complete your modules, however it is strongly recommended to use a desktop, computer, or laptop to complete these training modules. Using a mobile device or tablet may result in certain links, documents, videos, and slides not functioning properly, which could interfere with your ability to complete the training.

To understand how to complete these modules, please Click Here for a short video tutorial. If you have any questions, problems, or concerns, visit our Volunteer Training Resources Page!

If you’d like to speak with a member of the team, please email us at volunteer@scholarmatch.org, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

The goal of this first training module is to introduce you to ScholarMatch and the basics of our Destined for College program, including your role as a college coach and the amazing volunteer community of fellow coaches you’ll be joining. At the end of this training module, you will be asked to complete a short mastery assignment.

Suggested Deadline


How to complete this MODULE

  1. Please review the video on how to complete our training modules, which is located in the “Before You Start!” section.
  2. Read through each section carefully before answering the questions in this module. Note that each underlined text is a link. We also included all documents and slides used in this module below.
  3. Once you review this information, click on the button below to access the form to complete this training module.

About us
Founded in 2010 by author Dave Eggers, ScholarMatch began as a San Francisco-based crowdfunding platform for secondary school scholarships. In the process of administering student scholarships, it became apparent that our demographic of students needed a support system to help them get to and through college and into a career. To meet this need, ScholarMatch evolved into a full-service college access and persistence organization serving students at every point of their college journeys, whether it’s in California or nationwide. For an overview of ScholarMatch’s mission, story, and programs, please review the slides below.

The Destined for College Program
Destined for College is the overarching name of ScholarMatch’s college access program, which provides free college application assistance to first-generation students in the US through dynamic, 1:1 virtual advising. Our primary focus is to ensure each student is carefully paired with a dedicated coach (that’s you!) to receive personalized and unparalleled support tailored to their individual needs.

Our Volunteer Community and Your Role as a College Coach
By volunteering with ScholarMatch, you’re not only impacting students’ lives but also joining an amazing community of individuals who are passionate about educational equity. Please review the slides below to get a better sense of your role as a college coach and ScholarMatch’s volunteer community.

College-Ready Milestones
Destined for College participants are asked to complete milestones as they progress through the college application process. These milestones help students keep track of their progress while going through the college application process. As a college coach, we suggest that you review these milestones since they will help you better understand and support students by breaking down areas students may be struggling. You can visit the College-Ready Milestones website here! These are the initial eight College-Ready Milestones:


  • Milestone 1 – Explore College Fit and Match
  • Milestone 2 – Check SAT/ACT Test Policies
  • Milestone 3 – Finalize Your College List
  • Milestone 4 – Draft and Revise College Essays


  • Milestone 5 – Submit Your College Applications
  • Milestone 6 – Apply for Financial Aid
  • Milestone 7 – Apply for Scholarships


Understanding Barriers and Advising Our Students
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The College Access Landscape
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Building a Balanced College List
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The Essay
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