
Berea College is located in rural Kentucky and is the only one of America’s top colleges that makes a no-tuition promise to every enrolled student. Instead of paying tuition, students have work study assignments which include landscaping, fence welding and craft making. Berea college was founded as a desegregated university in 1855 and was the first and only desegregated university in the south for over forty years. As such, it has a strong history and commitment to black radical thought and is the home to the renowned Bell Hooks Institute, which champions black feminist scholars.

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Berea, KY
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How we rate it
ScholarMatcher Score
Student Support
School Info
School Size
1,000 - 4,999
Religious affiliation
Admit Selectivity
Highly Selective
About ScholarMatcher

What do the scores mean?

The ScholarMatcher rates schools on a 1.0-4.0 scale in four areas: financial aid, academic strength, student support services, and post-graduate affordability, with an overall average score as well. A 2 is average, a 3 is very good, and a 4 is exceptional. Since ScholarMatcher only includes excellent schools, you won’t see many 1s, except for financial aid. Schools with a 1 in financial aid offer great education, but you may need extra scholarships to afford them. Don't let a 1 in financial aid stop you from applying—just be ready to seek other financial resources if needed.

Financial Aid

measures the ability of a school to provide robust financial aid for students with households earning less than $48,000 a year.

Academic Strength

measures the schools’ abilities on retention and graduation rates.

Student Support

measures the schools’ ability to provide robust academic support and student services.

Postgraduate Affordability

measures the schools’ ability in providing an affordable education for students from low income households, with an emphasis on loan debt levels.